Trust vs. Re-assurance

nitin khanna
1 min readDec 25, 2021

Believe these two i.e. trust and reassurance are two opposite sides of same coin. And this is how i’ve seen this work

  • final day of an important project submission and presentation and you fall sick- only option is for your other colleague to present on your behalf- would you trust her to give you enough credit in front of jury?
  • A good acquaintance in dire straits and badly need of money, would you trust her?
  • one is hospitalized, 20 people touch you every-day, do your stuff from cleaning to test samples and what not- difficult to trust each one of them would have taken full care and precaution to make sure you dont get further infected

now if you turn the tables very similar people you will go to for all reassurances

  • have a great idea and can really change the outcome of your project, before you can present to evaluators you want all the assurance from your friends that it indeed is a great idea
  • a medical condition which is beyond your control, and there is so much you can ask your doctor, you want everyone who is part of her team to reassure that you are improving and will recover soon

see the difference? trust vs. reassurance — same people different conditions & situations and your ask from them changes !

but hoping there is a set of core group around you who you can trust as well as get all the reassurances, which isn't worth much most of the time. but its needed- that's human.

